Home > Uncategorised > Could you help deliver to the Readers’ Group service?
Whether you’re new to a Readers Group or have been a member for many years you’ll probably be aware that as a result of budget cuts the delivery of the library service is changing  and the Readers Group service is part of this change. There will no longer be dedicated reader development officers and the library support services will also be reduced.  So  in order for Kirklees to continue to offer free multiple copies of books to readers groups we need  volunteers to help deliver the service.   The Readers Group team  has a large collection of books, built up over many years and they are asking for your help to keep the service going.  A few hours a week by a small number of people on a rota would be very helpful;  they will receive support and training from librarians in the new library service.
There are opportunities to develop the service in new ways, to work with books, to use your existing knowledge and skills, to learn new things and to share ideas. If you would like to explore this opportunity further and learn more about what is involved they would love to hear from you.  You could volunteer for as much or as little as you wished.
The Readers Group book collection is based at the Library Headquarters building at Red Doles Lane HD2 1YF, off Leeds Road (opposite the B & Q retail park.) There will be 2 informal information sessions when you can see the collection and learn more about what is involved. Anyone interested in volunteering to help to keep the service running is welcome to come along on either:
Tuesday 19th April 6.00 – 8.00pm
Wednesday 20th April 2.00 – 4.00pm
(cake and refreshment included at both sessions)
If you are able to attend either of the above, please contact  LIC.SupportServices@kirklees.gov.uk the 12th April, stating which date.