Home > Administration > Agendas > Steering Group Agendas > Friends of Marsden Library AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Marsden Library will be held in the Library at 6.45pm
on Monday 18 November 2024.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 15th January 2024
  3. Matters arising
  4. Trustees’ report
  5. Statement of accounts
  6. Appointment of trustees
  7. Any other business

Trustees’ Report

Statement of Accounts

Copies of the above are also available at the library.

The constitution requires that at the AGM one one-third of the charity trustees shall retire from office,
but that they shall be eligible for reappointment. This is taken to be the three longest serving
trustees and they are Diane Barkley, Jenny Hemming and Michael Binns. All three have confirmed
that they wish to put themselves forward for re-appointment.

Vacancies for Steering Group members

There are also 4 vacancies for members of the Steering Group.

We are a registered charity that aims to support the continuation of a public library service in
Marsden. We do this by:

  •  Supporting the recruitment and retention of volunteers
  •  Campaigning when the library is under threat
  • Promoting the value of a public library service to individuals and the community by:
    • Organizing activities such as author readings
    • Fundraising by producing an annual calendar
    • Publicising events and providing information via our website and social media

The steering group meets on the 3rd Monday of the month in the library for 1 hour at 6.45pm

We are looking for people who can actively contribute to organizing the above activities. We also
need a new secretary to take notes at meetings, and ensure that we comply with the Charity
Commission requirements (holding an AGM, submitting the annual return).

If you are interested in joining us you can attend our AGM on 18 November 2024, 6.45pm in the
library or get in touch by email on friendsofmarsdenlibrary@gmail.com