Home > Administration > Agendas > Steering Group Agendas > Steering Group Agenda, 02-Nov-2015

Friends of Marsden Library Steering Group


Monday 2 November, 7 8.30pm, Meeting Room, Marsden Mechanics

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Story So Far
    • Changes to Library Services (Salma)
    • Building Situation (Diane)
    • Road to Public Meeting 5 October (Jenny)
  3. Governance
  4. Purpose of Friends Group
  5. Social and Update, 23 November, 8pm, Old Bank Room, Riverhead
  6. Communication
  7. Date of Next Meeting/s
Circulation: Clare Ackroyd, Diane Barkley, Caroline Bolton, Mave Buckley, Lorna Goldman, Steve Goldman, Richard Hellawell, Rob Johnson, Kate Meade, Katie O’Reilly, Natalie Stevenson, David Ridgway, Salma Dad (Kirklees Library Service) Rebecca Breen (Kirklees Community Engagement Officer)